
Database Set by Goodkin

Frequent, accurate information is vital to successful real estate marketing. Frequency and accuracy are both elements of Insites, a new joint venture project of the Goodkin Group and Founders Title Co.

For fees ranging from $2,000 to $3,000 a year, Insites provides quarterly reports--with monthly updates for the $3,000 charge--on residential housing activity in San Diego County. The information provided is updated regularly, according to Sanford R. Goodkin, chairman of the La Jolla-based Goodkin Group.

The report will be available via computer in the Goodkin Group’s new Goodkinet online database or can be obtained in a regular mailed copy, he added. Mervyn L. Morris, senior vice president and manager of Founders Title, said that his firm is sponsoring Insites “because we want to bring the most accurate and timely information to the building industry of San Diego, so that our clients can be more successful.”
