
A Tribute to Blacker

The same Sunday edition of The Times that carried Irwin R. Blacker’s incisive, lively reviews of books on film (Book Review, Feb. 24), also carried the news of his passing away. Later that day, I was working on a screenplay in progress and noticed that the way I structured my work, the technique to keep its dialogue flowing and its format on the page all had been taught to me by Prof. Blacker during my years at USC. Indeed, the teachings and memories of this profoundly kind man--who, as he put it wryly himself, “was never in a popularity contest”--will remain an enduring legacy for his numerous and grateful students.


Los Angeles

Of a Critical Legacy

In Thomas Ruffen’s review of “The Nazi Legacy” by Neal Ascherson, Isabel Hilton and Magnus Linklater (Book Review, Feb. 10), I resent his criticism, “ . . . the book seems to be written in the heat of anger. . . .” My anger and disgust for the Americans who were responsible for protecting Klaus Barbie and allowing him to live was overwhelming. I can imagine what research and writing the book would do to the writers. Even in America, truth can be disgraceful.


Beverly Hills
