
The House Brothers Are Up for Another Award

They were the first brothers ever to be honored with the Award of Merit from the American Otological Society for their accomplishments in the fields of neurology and otology (the science that deals with the ear and its diseases). Each has received countless other prestigious awards. And now Dr. Howard Payne House and Dr. William Foute House are up for the ARCS Foundation (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists) 1985 Men of Science Award.

The doctors House will receive their latest awards plus applause and huzzahs at the annual ARCS Ball on Saturday, this year an unusual multi-part affair that begins with the “overture” (read cocktails and hors d’oeuvre by Parties Plus) hosted by Gump’s Beverly Hills at the super deluxe Wilshire Boulevard store. From there the local ARCS and their friends move on to the Beverly Wilshire where the “first act curtain” goes up in the Grand Ballroom and everyone will enjoy a gourmet dinner. The “second act curtain” ushers in master of ceremonies Art Linkletter, who’ll make everybody laugh before he turns serious and introduces the award winners. The finale is post-dinner and post-awards dancing to Clark Keen and his orchestra.

For the record, Mrs. Chandler Harris is Los Angeles ARCS chapter president and Sharon Swanton Black is ball chairman. Among those working to make the ball a huge success are Mrs. Richard B. Coyle, Mrs. Lee A. DuBridge, Mrs. Bruce Cass Elliott, Mrs. Simon Ramo, Mrs. Rodney F. Williams, Mrs. Kenneth Morgan, Mrs. John I. Moore, Mrs. Arthur G. Linkletter, Mrs. Fred W. O’Green, Mrs. Lewis A. Kingsley, Mrs. Kennedy Galpin, Mrs. Alva Lane Herd and Mrs. L. James Hutson.


The Social Scramble: Jerry and Jane Weintraub are co-hosting the luncheon for the Golda Meir Club (for Israel Bonds) Friday at Jimmy’s. That’s when Sandra Moss, the vivacious brunette, takes over as club president and Barbara Walters flies in from New York to be the honored guest. (Can we believe the rumors that Barbara and Lorimar’s head honcho, Merv Adelson, are planning to marry soon? Merv is said to be apartment-hunting in Fun City.)

Although he’s acting as co-host, Jerry will be zipping in and out of the Golda Meir Club luncheon. You see, at the same time he’s also hosting (with Sue Cummings) a luncheon for California Sen. Pete Wilson. Fortunately, both are in the same restaurant and just a few of Jerry’s big strides away from each other.

A few dates to remember: Tuesday for the Diadames’ Creative Table Setting luncheon (this year’s theme is “The Best Years of Their Lives”) at the Beverly Wilshire with Donna Reed Asmus and Louise Good as the co-chairs; the end of March is last call for couture and not-so-couture donations for the Westside Center for Independent Living spring sale; April 9 for the Costume Council of the County Museum of Art’s new members (Westside) tea at the home of Mrs. Moosa Rawjee (Mrs. Vernon Underwood and Mrs. Bob Ray Offenhauser have hosted earlier teas and Mrs. Elliot Horwitch hosts another on April 18).


Fred Astaire was dining at the Bistro the other night with daughter Ava McKenzie, who lives in Ireland, and Ava’s stepson. Tyler. (Ava’s husband, artist Richard McKenzie, is getting ready for an exhibition of his paintings in Washington.) And at nearby tables were Gloria and Jimmy Stewart (he left the next morning to see to things at his ranch in Hawaii) with Helen Hayes (she and Jimmy co-starred in “Harvey” and have been friends for 30 years), Bill Frye and Jim Wharton; Herbert and Juli Hutner with Henry and Jayne Berger.

Los Angeles Pops board president James Foster, chairman James Morrison and the Russell Shermans win points. They were the first to anchor tables for the April 1 L.A. Pops gala at Jimmy’s hosted by the musical group’s Keynote 88 Committee. David Jones is already at his drawing board planning the floral decor.

The Restless Set: It’s the time of year when Easterners like to trek West--for various and sundry reasons. Our weather--except for New York’s recent warm spell--is better than theirs. And there’s a lot of catching up to do before everyone heads for Monte Carlo, London, Sardinia, Venice and other such exotic watering spots.


Wilhelmina Holladay, the founder of Washington’s National Museum of Women’s Art, will be in town next week stirring up some interest in her museum. And a “committee” made up of Rita Barrett, Giney Milner, Beverly Morsey and Erlenne Sprague will be welcoming her at a luncheon at the Morsey villa.

Andy Warhol, that man of many talents--artist, publisher, film maker--has a strong purpose for his voyage to L.A. He’s coming to “board” the “Love Boat” as a guest star. Art collector and producer and wine maker Douglas Cramer will do the social honors for Warhol.

Sharon Countess Sondes, the daughter of the late interior designer Ellen Lehman McClosky Long and the ex-wife of British Lord Sondes, is coming to stay with good chum Wendy Stark Gorsuch, daughter of Fran and producer (Rastar) Ray Stark and to take in as many parties as she can.

Even though they’re only as far away as San Francisco, we don’t see much of Denise and Prentis Cobb Hale any more. They were in town recently for a short visit and one evening dined with Richard Gully at the Bistro. Joining them for some good gossip were Bea and Sidney Korshak, Angie Dickinson.

Washington’s Rose Narva, who has left the Hay-Adams Hotel where she was general manager, was dining at Jimmy’s with son David, who owns two Yves Saint Laurent boutiques, and Marc Vincent, the fashion executive who takes over as president of YSL-U.S. on July 1. Rose will be ready to announce new career plans early in April. Meanwhile, while son David shops in Paris, she’ll mind the Beverly Hills store.

New Yorkers Ezra and Cecile Zilkah were here briefly and were spotted lunching with Mrs. Walter Annenberg at the Bistro Garden. The local lunch bunch included Dana Broccoli with Helene Rackmil and Jack Norcross with Ruth Tullis.
