
Fishing Report : Largemouth Bass Biting in Lake Castaic

Big largemouth bass are showing signs of life in Lake Castaic. Bass weighing 10 pounds 12 ounces, 10-8, 10-4, 9-12 and 5-4 were weighed in this week. All the bigger bass were reported caught in the east arm of the upper lake.

WILLOW BEACH--Good shore fishing for pan-size rainbow trout just south of the boat dock, from boats 10 miles downriver.

LAKE MEAD--Fair to good results on striped and largemouth bass during windless periods in Overton Arm. Good crappie fishing at night.


BULLHEAD CITY--Improved largemouth bass fishing in coves of Lake Mohave, Topock Marsh. Good trolling for rainbows on lake. Fair for river trout from shore, fair to good drift fishing.

SALTON SEA--Good to excellent orangemouth corvina bite under way in Mullet Island area. Limits common of 12 to 14-pound fish. Good croaker fishing from shore at Bombay Beach. Good for tilapia.

LAKE CACHUMA--Improved largemouth bass bite in coves in Narrows, Cachuma Bay, Johnson’s Bay. Plastic worms best bet, 15 to 20-foot depths. Bill Sedar, Cachuma, 11-2 bass, two ounces off lake record. Fair for trout.


LAKE CASITAS--Good bass fishing, with limits of two-pound class fish reported.

Ken DuMong, San Fernando, 12-0. Very good crappie fishing. Trout fair.

LAKE PYRAMID--Improved striper results for anglers working very deep water. Catfish, largemouth bass fair.

LAKE PIRU--Fair overall. Some trout limits for deep water trollers. Improved bass results at 15-20-foot depths on east bank.

LAKE CASTAIC--Bass best bet. Some limits of trout this week.

LAKE ISABELLA--Good bluegill action in shallows, some anglers reporting 40 to 50. Some limits of small bass, trout. Catfish, crappies slow to fair.


IRVINE LAKE--Good for trout, bass, crappies. Trout best bet.

PERRIS RESERVOIR--Good for trout, slow for Alabama spotted bass.

LAKE IRWINDALE--Good for trout.

VAIL LAKE--Bass, crappies, bluegills good.

LAKE SILVERWOOD--Two-pound crappies still being taken. Good for trout. Ken Harrington, Fontana, and two friends: three limits of striped bass in three-pound class, trolling deep water near dam. Launch conditions good--lake full.

LAKE HENSHAW--Bass improving, some near-limits this week. Good for crappies, bullheads catfish off dock.

BISHOP AREA--Good fishing in Lower Owens River for brown trout to 14 inches, with some limits in two-fish limit areas and catches of two to four in five-fish limit areas. Limits of pan-size rainbows in Pleasant Valley Reservoir on variety of lures, baits.


Southern California party and private boats reported good yellowtail fishing at San Clemente and Catalina islands this week. There were scattered catches of white sea bass at Catalina, where squid are still abundant.

At Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, skippers report hotel boats are averaging two to three strikes a day on striped marlin.

The Times accepts and publishes the catch count as a public service. Any responsibility for accuracy is that of the landing operator.


MORRO BAY (Virg’s Landing)--22 anglers: 1 ling cod, 98 rock cod, 168 red rock cod, 64 bass, 1 halibut.

AVILA BAY (Port San Luis)--15 anglers: 2 ling cod, 26 red rock cod, 13 yellow bass, 96 rock cod.

SANTA BARBARA (Sea Landing)--6 anglers: 45 red snapper, 45 rock fish.

OXNARD--103 anglers: 670 rock cod, 6 cow cod, 2 ling cod, 100 rock fish.

PORT HUENEME--38 anglers: 437 rock cod, 2 cow cod, 3 ling cod, 120 red snapper.

MALIBU--68 anglers: 2 halibut, 7 calico bass, 23 sand bass, 144 rock cod, 3 cow cod, 254 rock fish.

MARINA DEL REY--53 anglers: 20 halibut, 150 rock cod, 1 cow cod, 15 bonito.

REDONDO--36 anglers: 6 bass, 11 halibut, 200 mackerel.

SAN PEDRO (Ports O’ Call)--106 anglers: 43 yellowtail, 133 bonito, 2 halibut, 102 rock fish. (22nd St. Landing)--72 anglers: 63 calico bass, 275 bonito, 8 yellowtail, 14 halibut.

LONG BEACH (Belmont Pier)--37 anglers: 200 rock fish. (Queen’s Wharf)--82 anglers: 140 yellowtail, 205 bonito, 11 calico bass, 174 rock fish.

SEAL BEACH--30 anglers: 210 rock cod, 5 cow cod.

NEWPORT (Newport Landing)--6 anglers: 4 sand bass, 1 rock fish. (Davey’s Locker)--21 anglers: 95 rock cod, 1 cow cod.


DANA WHARF--41 anglers: 7 bass, 68 rock cod, 3 cow cod.

OCEANSIDE--41 anglers: 88 rock cod, 70 rock fish.

SAN DIEGO (H&M; Landing, Fisherman’s, Point Loma)--43 anglers: 120 bonito, 8 bass, 8 rock fish, 191 mackerel. (Islandia)--48 anglers: 48 bonito, 40 rock fish, 230 mackerel.

Trout Plants

A list of waters scheduled to be planted by the Department of Fish and Game, weather and road conditions permitting, by counties:

LOS ANGELES--Big Rock Creek, Castaic Lake, Castaic Lagoon, Elizabeth Lake, Little Rock Creek, Little Rock Reservoir, Malibu Creek, Pyramid Lake, San Dimas Reservoir.

ORANGE--Laguna Niguel Lake.

RIVERSIDE--Cahuilla Lake.

SAN DIEGO--Doane Pond, San Luis Rey River, Sweetwater River.

SANTA BARBARA--Santa Ynez River.

VENTURA--Piru Lake, Reyes Creek, Rose Valley Lakes, Santa Paula Creek, Sespe Creek (Upper, Lower).

SAN BERNARDINO--Lytle Creek (Middle, North forks), Silverwood Lake.

KERN--Hart Park Lake, Kern River (Borel Powerhouse to Democrat Dam, KR3 Powerhouse to Lake Isabella), Ming Lake.

(Note: Department of Fish and Game weekly trout plant schedules can be learned by calling 213 435-2200.)
