
Infotec Wins $23-Million Contract for Air Force Space Center Work

Infotec Development Inc., a Costa Mesa company that provides high-technology engineering and software services, has been awarded a $23.4-million contract by the Air Force for work on a consolidated space operations training center in Colorado.

J. Fernando Niebla, Infotec president and chief executive, said the contract is the largest ever awarded by the Air Force’s space division under a Small Business Administration program that directs federal procurement to small firms owned by socially and economically disadvantaged persons.

Wespac Financial Corp. Inc. of Newport Beach, a real estate investment firm, has acquired the Halls Plaza Shopping Center in Knoxville, Tenn., for $4.8 million. The acquisition was made on behalf of Wespac Investors Trust III, a real estate investment trust.


FKM Copier Products, an Irvine copier sales and service operation, has acquired the San Diego branch of Nelowet Business Machines. The new company will be called FKM South. No purchase price was disclosed.

Malcolm Lewis Associates/Engineers Inc. has been awarded a design contract for a $5.6-million upgrading of the Naval Air Rework Facility in North Island, San Diego. The Irvine company, which provides mechanical and electrical engineering services, will work on the fire protection and electrical systems for three buildings at the naval facility. Company officials said the contract was worth $5.6 million to Malcolm Lewis and two other companies signed to do design and engineering work. However, they would not disclose what portion of the money their company would receive.

The Mega Group Inc., a privately held computer software vendor in Irvine, announced that it has signed a joint marketing agreement with Honeywell Information Systems Inc. of Phoenix valued at $1 million during the first year. The agreement provides the Honeywell Inc. subsidiary with worldwide distribution rights to market the Mega Group’s business analysis software with Honeywell’s mainframe computers.


Macro Computer Programs Inc. of El Toro, a developer of software for the computer industry, announced that it has been selected by International Business Machines Corp. to assist in the marketing and installation of IBM products. In addition to providing marketing assistance for IBM products, Macro offers installation assistance services and markets a number of program packages for manufacturers, distributors and school districts in Orange County.
