
The Region - News from April 3, 1985

For the second time this year, California First Bank has sued Terry Cole-Whittaker Ministries seeking back rent. The San Diego Superior Court suit seeks $2,800 from the non-profit organization, alleging it failed to pay March rent on a vacant La Jolla office it once used as a bookstore. A January suit for $5,600 in back rent was dropped by the bank when the church paid up. Marilea Swenson, a real estate officer at the bank, said the church has three years remaining on its five-year office lease and has been trying to find someone to assume the lease. Church officials say the ministry is $400,000 in debt. Its leader, Rev. Terry Cole-Whittaker, said recently she is leaving the church to simplify her life. She attracted a national following with her teachings that prosperity is a divine right.
