

Reader Reggie Wilson should check his facts more carefully before critizing Evelyn Keyes for misrepresenting hers (Calendar Letters, March 31).

Wilson said the movie “Mrs. Mike” had a release date of 1949, not 1950, as Keyes claimed in her article “Very Close Encounters With Oscar” (March 24).

Not so. “Mrs. Mike,” in which Keyes gave a very Oscar-worthy performance, was released in the Los Angeles area for the first time on Feb. 2, 1950 (at the Music Hall theater), thus making it eligible for 1950, not 1949, Oscar consideration. Six days later, on Feb. 8, it debuted in New York at the Capitol theater. Again: 1950.


Keyes, by the way, is a tremendous asset to the Calendar pages (paragraphs, accuracy and all) just as she has been to so many theatrical movies, including “The Jolson Story,” “The Mating of Millie,” “Here Comes Mr. Jordan,” “Ladies in Retirement,” “A Thousand and One Nights”--and “Mrs. Mike.”


The Hollywood Reporter

Evelyn Keyes returns, Page 32.
