
Building Shelters for the Children

The March 19 and 20 Los Angeles Times articles concerning the extreme overcrowding of Albert Sitton Home brings to light just how critical the need is to provide for Orange County’s dependent children--and soon.

Orangewood is being built right now, to replace Albert Sitton Home as Orange County’s only shelter for abused, abandoned and neglected children.

The first phase (five residential cottages and the dining hall) has been in use since April. The final seven buildings are under construction.

As an Orangewood board member and vice chairman of the Orangewood Day Committee, I wish to emphasize the need to complete Orangewood, and to offer a way for the citizens of Orange County to help speed its construction.


Building Orangewood has been a team effort from the start and we are not far from reaching our goal. I invite the entire County of Orange to join in helping to raise the final dollars to finish this badly needed shelter.

Until we can alter the cycle of child abuse, we must provide for these children who need our care so urgently.


La Habra

Arlene Wright is a member of the Orangewood Board of Directors.
