
Some Frenchmen Want More Sex, Study Concludes

From Reuters

Most French people thoroughly enjoy their lovemaking, but many men complain of not having enough, according to a survey published Sunday.

The survey, published in the Le Journal du Dimanche, concludes that half of those questioned were very satisfied with their sex lives and 20% were satisfied. About 25% refused to respond.

French males seem to enjoy their sex slightly more than women, with 55% expressing complete satisfaction compared with 45% for women.


But the survey, based on a nationwide sample of 650 people between the ages of 18 and 40, shows that 42% of men want sex more often, compared with only 24% of women expressing any desire for more.

Men initiate sex far more than women, with only 6% of women questioned saying they ever took the lead. Woman also showed a marked preference for lovemaking in the dark.
