
Volunteers to Work on Malibu Creek Trails

Volunteers will spend Sunday building and improving hiking trails in Malibu Creek State Park at the fourth annual Trails Day outing, sponsors of the event announced.

Volunteers should meet at the park on Las Virgenes Road at 8:30 a.m., and should take water and a sack lunch to eat on the trail. Volunteers should also take work gloves and a hand tool, such as a hoe, shovel, or lopper, according to Jo Kitts, one of the organizers.

She said participants should also bring a snack or dessert to share with others at the desert picnic that will begin about 2 p.m. once the work is done.


Kitts said about 100 people took part in Trails Day last year, and she expects a similar number this year.

The event is co-sponsored by the Sierra Club and the Santa Monica Mountains Trails Council, and by the state Department of Parks and Recreation.

Those wishing further information may call 818-706-1310; 213-454-8212 or 805-499-2112.
