
Uncovering Secret of Special Body Oil

Sandra Munoz of Fountain Valley has been frustrated trying to locate some Secret of Venus body oil by Zibeline/Weil of Paris. She claims that the stores she has contacted have not even been able to supply an address. Can you help by putting her on the scent of the manufacturer, or will she be convinced that her nosy request is not worth a red cent?

On the other hand, Helen Lagasse of Van Nuys is not interested in the sweet smell of success, only in her sweet tooth. However, she’s had a sticky time of it in her search for Bee Hive honey, a solidified product similar to butter sticks that used to come in a blue-and-white five-pound container. Can you help in this no-sting operation, or will Lagasse never know what store to make a beeline for?

Donn Smith of Hollywood has a hair-raising problem he wants to share. He needs a Clairol hand-held hair dryer that was made specifically for curly hair. A few years ago, beauty-supply stores carried the product, he claims, but he has not been able to find it recently. Can you help, or will Smith be forced to do something that will really make your hair curl?


Reader-to-Reader Help Line: Ruth at (213) 479-1410 wants to find a La Mode medium-gray Model 51 Clipion wiglet, which is a lightweight wig that clips onto the hair. It was originally bought at the May Co., but all the May Co. stores she’s called, as well as other department stores, have been unable to provide any information. Please help get this problem out of Ruth’s hair. . . . Steve at (619) 424-7659 is looking for the title of a novel that came out in the ‘40s and had as its plot a military convoy guarding a tractor or trailer that had been especially designed to prevent break-ins; the action took place somewhere in the Southwest. If you want to help Steve, please throw the book at him. . . . Mildred at (213) 948-2360 is not stringing us along when she says she’s trying to find the cord for a Corningware percolator, which is no longer being manufactured; she just loves the coffee the pot makes. Please help before Mildred goes completely to pot.

Note: The Reader-to-Reader Help Line is only for one-time items and for products that are no longer available in stores. And you must give us written permission to publish your telephone number, so that other readers may contact you directly.

Rick Straube of Palmdale, who was looking for outdoor Christmas-light hangers, will soon be able to go at it hammer and tongs. Jim Cooper of Camarillo says Builders Emporium carries the item each year, starting around mid-autumn. (The Builders Emporium store nearest to Straube is in Lancaster.) Otherwise, according to Lois K. of Northridge, Straube can go to Ole’s Hardware in Northridge, where Lois bought several packages of the light hangers last fall for 49 cents (12 to a package); they are made by Esco Manufacturing Co. of Los Angeles and are rustproof. L. DeLancey of Pasadena writes that her husband put painted cup hangers (the screw-in type) on the back side of the eaves 10 years or so ago, and they still function. Lilian Roberts says she did the same thing: She put up brass cup hooks about 17 years ago, even though it was a bit of a chore at first, because she first had to make a hole with a nail. If all else fails, we have a letter from a Huntington Beach reader who never got around to putting Christmas light hangers on the roof. For the name, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope.


Herb Hain cannot answer mail personally but will, space permitting, respond in this column to readers who have--or need--helpful information. Write (do not telephone) to You Can Help!, You section, the Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles 90053.
