
Hot Debate on Embryo Research : Arm of Speaker’s Chair Broken Off in Parliament

From Reuters

An arm of the black, high-backed Speaker’s chair in Parliament was thumped and broken off today in a heated debate over a bill to halt experiments on human embryos.

Furious members of Parliament complained when House of Commons Deputy Speaker Harold Walker cut short time for debate on the proposed legislation, and they yelled threats at him.

“It’s bloody outrageous,” said one opponent of the bill, Dafydd Wigley, who thumped the Speaker’s chair with his fist and broke an arm off.


Wigley, who has lost two sons through congenital defects and believes embryo research is necessary to prevent handicaps, said he and other opponents of the bill had inadequate time to make their case when Walker cut off debate.

The private bill now has little chance of becoming law due to a lack of parliamentary time, though its sponsor, Ulster Unionist Enoch Powell, said the majority supported him.

The original chair, from which the Speaker directs frequently rowdy House of Commons proceedings, was destroyed by German bombs during World War II.
