
Rejection of Placentia Utility Tax Vote

On April 16, a majority of the Placentia City Council ignored 3,111 voters of this city and rejected placing the utility tax increase issue before the people for a vote. The legal opinion was they didn’t have to place it on the ballot; the city attorney also pointed out the council could if it chose to.

I believe that if the public had been able to ask questions or offer input, there may not have been a referendum petition. At the two study sessions, the public was not allowed to speak. At the passing of the ordinance, it was pointed out that the public would be given two minutes to speak.

As a citizen, I have the right to ask questions and speak for or against the issue. The council also has the obligation to listen. I do believe the steps taken by the new mayor in letting the public speak at the council meetings is a step in the right direction.



