
Playing Ping Pong With His Property

As an avid reader of The Times real estate section for 30 years, I would appreciate your attention to a situation that I think is very newsworthy.

First, the trampling of private property rights into the “sand” and, second, the massive use of state resources to achieve its ends. I own an ocean-front lot in Oxnard, in Ventura County. The Coastal Commission imposed a building moratorium on this property in the early 70s.

On July 21, 1981, the commission lifted the moratorium and requested the city of Oxnard to submit a land use plan. Since that time, the commission and the city of Oxnard have been batting this back and forth like a Ping Pong ball.


Now the State Lands Commission has intervened and to assert that, since the public has used this land for all these years, it can sue for “prescriptive rights,” i.e. taking the land without remuneration. A “Catch 22” situation if I ever saw one.


Long Beach

Preservation Articles

All of the articles relating to preservation of old buildings (May 12) were extremely interesting.

Every Sunday I read the Real Estate section thoroughly. The feature stories are always worthwhile.


Thank you for keeping me abreast of what’s new and old in real estate.


Los Angeles

Likes Look at Past

I like Evelyn De Wolfe’s new HIND SITE column very much. First subject and drawing--great!

Please continue with descriptions and history of the many house styles in California about the ‘30s--the Spanish stucco house with tiled roof and arched windows.



