
Costa Mesa : Oil Field Condos Face Further City Scrutiny

Concerned over potential spills or fires such as the one that ignited an old oil well on the Balboa Peninsula Friday, the Costa Mesa City Council voted Monday to delay consideration of a condominium complex slated to be built on an active oil field.

In a 4-1 vote, council members postponed a decision on a developer’s environmental impact report on the project until their Sept. 16 meeting. Winning such approval is the first hurdle to be overcome in the long process leading to construction. The council turned down the impact report last month, but the developer, Ocean Development Inc. of Costa Mesa, filed for a rehearing.

Ocean Development wants to build the 160-unit condominium complex on a 10.9-acre parcel on 18th Street. One-third of the property would be an oil tank farm and eight active oil wells would be scattered throughout the residential portion of the project.


The council also asked the city Planning Department to organize a meeting between concerned citizens, council members and representatives of the California Department of Conservation’s oil and gas division to study possible effects the development might have on the city.

According to Kathryn Lottes, an associate city planner, the meeting would enable the state representatives to answer council questions regarding regulation of oil production in California.
