
Redondo Beach

A recommendation to demolish the two indoor swimming pools at the closed Aviation High School campus was scuttled at least temporarily this week, when the City Council agreed that it had too little information to vote on the issue.

The council voted unanimously to conduct a citywide survey to determine what residents want on the city-owned portion of the campus, which includes the pools, a gymnasium, an auditorium, tennis courts, a parking lot and track. The city owns about 14 acres of the 40-acre campus.

Among other things, residents will be asked how much the city should pay to renovate the two pools or to build a new one. City Manager Timothy Casey said it would cost at least $650,000 to refurbish the pools and the building around them. Further details of the survey, including when it will be conducted and how much it will cost, are being studied by the city’s staff.


Staff members will also investigate the possibility of removing the building and leaving the two pools as outdoor pools.

The city’s Recreation and Parks Commission had recommended that the pool building be demolished because of health, safety and design problems.
