

During this past month of July, for no particular reason, I collected headlines and captions. Below I have listed 14 that appeared in this one month:

“State Sees Illegal Use of Pesticide”

“Meat, Poultry Inspection Insufficient, Report Says

Bacteria, Chemicals Go Undetected”

“Birth Defects, Fathers’ Exposure to Chemicals Linked”

“National Parks Threatened by Suburban Ills”

“Selenium Contamination Found Near Kern County Wildlife Refuge”

“Acid Rain Threatens Yellowstone Park”

“Smithsonian Institution Leaking Toxic PCBs”

“Mobil Refinery Raided in Pollution Case”

“10 Million Paid for Contamination by Nuclear Plant”

“Superfund Schedule Fails”

“125 Evacuated After Chemical Truck Tips Over”

“Toxic Fire, Blasts Force 200 to Flee”

“10,000 Flee Plastic Fire Fumes in Iowa”

“Cave’s Toxic Fumes Peril Kentucky Town”

All of the above appeared in just one month. I wonder what my list would have looked like had I started collecting last December when a headline read: “Union Carbide Plant in India Kills 2,000”?


North Hollywood
