
Towed in Salzburg

We recently drove around Europe for nine weeks in a VW Golf leased from Europe by Car. While we covered 5,600 miles of delightful sightseeing, we had no problems except in Salzburg, Austria. After parking on a Saturday morning we returned to find our car gone. The police said, “Ab geschlept” (towed away), because parking is not allowed on Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., something they said Salzburgers know but not foreigners. So 2,103 schillings (about $100) and three hours later we got our car back. This included $8 for four hours’ parking on their lot. The loss of time and money are bad enough, but the trauma of finding our car gone and believed stolen is inexcusable. The police said five tourist cars were picked up that day. I congratulate them.


