
‘The Reagan World View’

The President’s U.N. speech again belies a tunnel vision toward Soviet foreign policy. His view of regional conflicts and especially those in Angola and Nicaragua are based on a far-right view of the so-called “evil empire.” This view is not shared by the majority of the U.N. nor by a majority of Americans.

His view prevents meaningful compromise with the U.S.S.R. on the nuclear arms issue, and thus we will continue to be hostages to a mad nuclear threat. This view is being sold to us in the dulcet tones of an experienced orator.

The Soviet people want peace just as we do. They are ripe for arms race compromise in Geneva. An impediment lies in Reagan’s tunnel vision. Only a rational and different view of Soviet goals will change the course. The risk of war is great. The choice is not “Red or Dead,” nor is it nuclear blackmail through imagined U.S. superiority as Reagan and Secretaries Caspar Weinberger and George Shultz would have us believe. In truth, the U.S.S.R. is being more reasonable than our Administration in world affairs today.



Woodland Hills
