
MAYWOOD : FOCUS : Where Maywood Meets

Sandwiched between several small industries and modest homes, Maywood Park serves as a hub for many of the city’s 25,000 residents. The irregularly shaped patch of green on 58th Street--the largest open space in this square-mile city--is frequented by both the largely Latino population and older, Anglo residents. The park’s centerpiece is an old green-and-yellow, wooden grandstand, built during the 1930s at the height of the Depression. The grandstand area serves as a baseball, football and soccer field. The site also served as a wrestling arena in 1986 in a venture that saw the city share in revenue from four wrestling matches. The wooden bleachers, no longer used in modern facilities, are refurbished from time to time to retain the park’s ambiance. In addition to the bleachers, the city has recently paid for other improvements, such as en larging the park’s picnic arbors and in stalling new lighting.

CITY SERVICES City Hall 562-5000

4319 E. Slauson Ave.

Police (business) 562-5005

4317 E. Slauson Ave.

Fire (business) 560-1571

6320 Pine Ave., Bell

Post Office 771-2266

4357 E. Slauson Ave.

Library 771-8600

4323 E. Slauson Ave.

In Emergency, Dial 911 GOVERNMENT City Council: Thomas H. Engle (mayor), Henry Santiago (mayor pro tem), Rose Marie Busciglio, William A. Hamilton, Betty Lou Rogers

Chief Administrative Officer: Leonard Locher

Fire Chief: John Englund

Police Chief: Ted Heidke

AREA LAWMAKERS Congress: Matthew G. Martinez, Democrat, 30th District; 1712 W. Beverly Blvd., No. 201, Montebello 90640; (213) 722-7731


State Assembly: Gloria Molina, Democrat, 56th District; 5261 E. Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles 90022; (213) 721-5557

State Senate: Art Torres, Democrat, 24th District; 548 S. Spring St., No. 500, Los Angeles 90013; (213) 627-5333

County Supervisor: Edmund D. Edelman, 3rd District, Hall of Administration, 500 W. Temple St., Room 821, Los Angeles 90012; (213) 974-1033.


STATISTICS Population: 5,436

Area: 1.20 square miles

Incorporation: Sept. 2, 1924

Median household income: $16,691

Median home value: $59,505

Median age: 24.8 years

Race: Latino, 83.6%; white, 62.0%; black, 0.5%; other, 37.5%

(Total is more than 100% because racial/ethnic breakdowns overlap) Statistics: Donnelley Demographics (1985 estimates)
