
The ‘Leashing’ of Children

During the years that my five children were growing up I was fortunate enough to be a “stay-at-home Mommy.” As I busily scurried about trying to keep up with the children’s schedule and my household schedule, I occasionally saw a mother with a leather type of leash attached to a child who was walking just slightly ahead of her. Thirty years ago it bothered me to see that. However, now that I have been blessed with four lovely grandchildren and because I recognize how things have changed, my opinions have changed too. Today’s schedules are so much busier, and most young mothers today do work outside of their homes.

All we have to do is read our daily newspaper, or watch the evening news to realize that today’s child is not as safe as yesterday’s child--through no fault of their parents. It seems a sad sign of the times that even older youngsters are not safe walking home from school or from a friend’s home because they are in a constant threat of being abducted.

I recently took my daughter, who lives out of town, to the airport. My heart went out to her because she had been so busy during her visit and now she was headed back home loaded down with suitcases and packages and the most precious item of all--my 2-year-old granddaughter. I knew it was going to be a long trip, but I felt at least some comfort and confidence for my loved ones when I noticed that my daughter had slipped a small coiled plastic “leash” on her wrist and on her baby’s wrist. Suddenly I felt safe about them.


Why knock these young loving mothers who try to do something to protect their children, I think they’re doing a fine job in today’s busy world. Instead of criticizing them, why not whisper a small prayer for their safety?


