
‘Reagan Faces a Gut Check’

As a physician just returned from a trip to Nicaragua, I must reply to Michael Novak’s column, which makes me wonder whether Novak has ever been to Nicaragua or has done any basic reading on the history of the area.

Contrary to the column, the fundamental issue for Central America is not democracy, but social justice. From the earliest days, our policy in this area has always been flawed and has never produced a good result. In 1911 we sent the Marines to “establish democracy.” The final chapter on this was written in 1979 when the entire country arose to overthrow the Somoza dynasty. Democracy does not exist or function in Central America with the possible exception of Costa Rica. The last truly democratic regime in Central America was in Guatemala in 1954 and this was overthrown by our own CIA when some of the United Fruit property was expropriated for land distribution.

Human rights in Guatemala are now, according to Amnesty International, the worst anywhere in the world, except for Haiti prior to Duvalier’s departure.


Novak’s remarks on “Leninism” are not relevant to Nicaragua. They have a unique philosophy called “Sandinismo,” a society in which open dissent is widely practiced, 12 functioning political parties, and 80% of the property in private hands.

The illegal contra army is openly practicing planned assassination, kidnaping and torture. Their human-rights violations are well documented.

Nicaragua is receiving help from most of our friends around the world. Meanwhile, we are losing friends throughout Latin America as we openly pursue a terrorist policy.


We have been wrong for nearly 80 years. It is difficult to admit this, but it is the only honorable thing to do.


Santa Barbara
