

Greg Carmack and Gregory Ackers have contributed letters that differ widely in subject matter, but are strangely alike (Calendar Letters, May 3).

Writes Carmack: “. . . Simple logic proves that men who are attracted to other men have the least desire of anyone to be women.” Never mind that many men who are attracted to other men habitually affect feminine airs, that some are transvestites and that some have chosen castration and dosages of estrogen. Carmack’s “simple logic” is so airtight, it will not admit facts.

Ackers writes: “. . . They (the Sandinistas) blame their suffering on the U.S. trade embargo. In the same breath, they complain about U.S. intervention. Do they want us around or not?” Ackers thinks it is inconsistent for a country with whom we are legally at peace to want both normal trade relations and an end to U.S.-backed military incursions.


Mr. Carmack, meet Mr. Ackers. Come, let us hear you reason together.


Long Beach
