
Sculpture Support

The Vito Acconci artwork proposed for San Diego is an important sculpture deserving approval by the port commissioners. This . . . “user-friendly” piece . . . by an important American artist who has been recognized internationally will add considerably to the local scene.

The entire process of invitation, presentation and selection for this work was a model of order and democracy. The Arts Advisory Committee represents a perfect balance of informed citizenry: the chairman, a noted industrial designer; the director of an internationally known museum of contemporary art; the curator of an innovative sculpture collection at UC San Diego; the contemporary sculptor trained in architecture; the arts writer who has worked for the arts for over two decades, and a layman. Each individual on the committee is respected in his/her particular area of expertise and is known for his/her personal integrity.

As a taxpayer who has worked locally as an arts volunteer for 24 years, I urge the port to vote for the Acconci proposal.



La Jolla
