
The State - News from May 10, 1987

The Associated General Contractors of California have urged Gov. George Deukmejian not to abolish Cal/OSHA, the state job safety organization, and turn worker safety enforcement over to the federal government. “It is apparent to us that the federal OSHA safety program does not have the commitment, funding or knowledge of the California workplace,” said Al Shankle, president of the contractors’ group, in a letter to Deukmejian released to the media. He said the state’s anticipated savings of about $8 million a year would be more than offset by increases in premiums for liability and workers’ compensation insurance. Deukmejian announced his plan to abolish Cal/OSHA in his proposed 1987-88 budget in January. The move is opposed by labor unions, the California Medical Assn. and several major business groups.
