
Alien Amnesty Groups in County Combine Their Efforts

Several Orange County groups that have been working independently to help illegal aliens apply for amnesty under the new immigration law announced Monday that they have formed a coalition to better coordinate their efforts.

Catholic Charities of Orange County, Hermandad Mexicana Nacional, Legal Aid Society of Orange County and the Orange County Human Relations Commission are among the groups in the coalition, called the Orange County Coalition for Immigrant Rights. Private attorneys, educators and a representative of United Way are also members.

The coalition is preparing a directory of low-cost services available in Orange County to illegal aliens seeking help in applying for amnesty. The new immigration law grants temporary resident status to illegal aliens who have been in the U.S. continuously since Jan. 1, 1982.


“We’re hoping to expand the pool of people who get some kind of assistance,” said Father Jaime Soto, coalition chairman and associate director of Catholic Charities.
