
South Lake Tahoe

On April 12 your paper editorialized on the status of the planning process for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. I compliment you for the editorial and your paper’s interest in Lake Tahoe. However, I take strong exception to the closing shot of that editorial, in which it was stated that our community resembles a mountain slum.

I really believe that the editorial could have stood alone without this gratuitous slur to the good people and the good efforts of those here who want to improve the community.

The irony is, that local government has been thwarted by the very environmental concerns that those who observe us are so concerned about. Because of a court-ordered moratorium; financial constraints caused by state law and local project requirements; and regulations for development that do not reflect economic reality, our city has had to absorb many serious problems, not the least of which has been an inability to proceed with new construction that would repair and improve the appearance of the business district.


And, finally, in fairness to those of us in local government, much of the blight that disturbs the visual senses of the visitor, represents construction that was approved prior to this city’s formation.



South Lake Tahoe
