
Newport Beach : Sketch Leads to Suspect in Child Molestations

A composite sketch of a man suspected of molesting a 10-year-old Newport Beach girl in her home led Irvine police to the man, whom they also suspect of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old girl, authorities said.

Lloyd Jean Murphy, 38, described by police as a transient, will likely be arraigned Wednesday in Harbor Municipal Court, said Newport Beach Police Officer Greg Armstrong. Murphy is being held at Newport Beach Jail in lieu of $25,000 bail, Armstrong said.

Both girls identified Murphy as their assailant from photographs early Sunday, police said.


Irvine Police Officer Terry Martin spotted Murphy walking along the road Saturday at 11 p.m. near Irvine Center Drive and Jeffrey Road, said Irvine Police Lt. Pat Rogers.

Martin stopped Murphy after noticing that he matched the composite drawing of the man suspected of sexually assaulting a girl in Newport Beach on Oct. 20 and another girl in Irvine two days later, Rogers said. “Martin went up to the guy with the composite drawing in his hands, and the guy had that Van Dyke beard that was pretty distinctive,” he said.

Martin took Murphy into custody without incident, Rogers said.

Murphy was then transferred to the Newport Beach Police Department, where he was arrested on suspicion of burglary for allegedly breaking into the Newport Beach girl’s bedroom, Armstrong said.


Police said they were still preparing to file a sexual assault charge in the Newport incident. No charges have been filed yet in the Irvine incident.
