
On Santa Clarita Cityhood

When one follows the footsteps of Anthony Skirlick, the man who opposes cityhood for Santa Clarita Valley, one must agree that democracy is still alive.

Here is a man who, according to Times accounts, went to the county bureaucracy and found help from the Board of Supervisors’ office, the county counsel’s office and finally from the Superior Court to carry his argument against cityhood before the voters--remarkable!

Charles Vose, attorney for cityhood, said that allowing the voters to hear the argument against cityhood would appear to “taint the election process.”


“We’re concerned the process, by coming in at the last minute, will give some credibility to this argument against cityhood,” Vose said. Hmmm.

A voter in the cityhood election, I am going to read and listen to the arguments pro and con right up to election eve.


