
Inspectors With Sensitive Feet Discover Treasure Hoard

Long-forgotten treasures can sometimes be found under your feet.

“But you’ve got to listen to what your feet are telling you,” says Craig M. Boatman, who found a treasure--and then gave it back to its owners.

Boatman is an inspector for A to Z Inspection Service, Los Angeles. Along with his employer, Jerry Sandusky, he was inspecting a house in South Pasadena that was in probate when his feet told him that there was something unusual underfoot.

The two inspectors pulled back the carpet to find a treasure of greeting cards stuffed with money, about $290 in cash, three silver dollars dated 1890, 1900 and 1928, and small coins. Judging from the dates on the cards and the age of the carpet, the treasure could have been hidden for 40 years or more.


The inspectors turned over their find to their client, Frank Cirrincione of Century 21 Hilda Layda Realty, South Pasadena, who made sure it got to the estate.
