
Chief of Police Appointed

Capt. Pete Stone has been named chief of the Downey Police Department, replacing William Martin who retired in July. The City Council unanimously approved Stone’s appointment, ending a months-long search for the head of the 107-member department. Stone said he will work to improve existing police programs, including the department’s Neighborhood Watch program and traffic enforcement.

Stone, 53, joined the Downey Police Department as an officer in 1958. He was promoted to sergeant in 1962, and to lieutenant six years later. He attained the rank of captain in 1970 and was in charge of investigations when he was appointed interim chief. Stone, a Downey resident, holds a bachelor of science degree in criminology. He is married and has three grown daughters.

L.B. Brokers Elect Woman

Marilyn Billovits, a broker with Krueger-Howard Realtors, has been elected president of the Long Beach District Board of Realtors. She will be installed in December as the second woman to hold the office. The first was Barbara Moss, who was elected in 1979. Billovits has been in the real estate business 10 years and was first vice president of the board. She also serves as chairman of the California Assn. of Realtors Education Committee for the 22nd District.


Serving with her on the executive board will be Leslie Munger, president-elect; Ted Tichy, vice president; and Coy Herring, secretary-treasurer. New members of the board of directors are Lee Bender, Pam Briley, Betty Lynn Hiefield, Don Kessler, Joe Sopo and Joan Stephan.

Blind Student’s Scholarship

Grant A. Young of Long Beach has won an $800 scholarship from the California Council of the Blind to help finance his education at Long Beach City College, where he is studying business. Despite dual handicaps--he is blind and a quadriplegic after a skiing accident--Young is aiming for bachelor’s and master’s degrees in business management from UC Berkeley. He also is a music enthusiast and is working on a computerized bookkeeping system for the Rio Hondo Symphony Assn.

Self-Esteem Teacher Praised

The Los Angeles County Commission for Women has awarded a certificate of appreciation to Pamela Solum for her article on self-esteem published in the Primer on Health Care prepared for women of Los Angeles. Solum teaches classes on self-esteem through the Montebello Community Adult Schools and does counseling at Psychological Services Group in Cerritos.


Homecoming Court Chosen

Five Norwalk High School senior girls have been chosen for the homecoming court to reign over activities this week. They are Laurie Hurd, Liz Rameriz, Irene Rooker, Christy Smith and Esther Vargas. The selection of queen, based on results of a student body vote, will be announced Friday night at the homecoming football game. The homecoming court also will include a princess from each of the other classes: Alexandra Alfara, 11th grade; Yvonne Gonzales, 10th grade; and Melissa Budano, 9th grade.

Winners in Speech Contest

Andrew Rose, a member of the La Mirada High School speech squad, won first place in dramatic interpretation at an invitational speech tournament among teams from 32 schools held at California State University, San Bernardino. His performance of the play “The Configuration of Beno Blimpie” won after six rounds of competition. Phillip Massey, also on the La Mirada High varsity speech squad, won second place in original oratory. His speech was about decaying ethics and morality in America.
