
Daddy Dearest

You thought “Mommie Dearest” was an eyebrow raiser? Wait until you read “Daddy’s Boy: A Son’s Shocking Account of Life With a Famous Father,” in which Chris Elliot chronicles growing up as the son of Bob Elliot of the veteran comedy duo, Bob & Ray.

Chris is the writer/performer from “Late Night With David Letterman,” known for such bizarre turns as an overfed Marlon Brando and a rampaging psychopath.

It’s no wonder he’s so strange, considering some revelations from “Daddy’s Boy,” due out next month from Delacorte Press--actually all done in spoofy fun. To wit:


On the eve of the lad’s sixth birthday, Bob took Chris to their private screening room and told him, “It’s time you become a man.” He then made Chris watch “Psycho” three times in a row!

Dad tried to mold Chris as a miniature of himself. When Bob became bald, for instance, he fitted his son with a bald wig! “The kids were ruthless,” Chris recalls, calling him such names as “Chrome Dome” and “Otto Preminger.”

Chris counted on his father attending his high school graduation. But just before the ceremonies, the boy got a note from Bob explaining why he couldn’t make it: “I’m due to get these annoying hairs on the back of my neck trimmed, and Jerry the Barber claims he can’t move my appointment! Such is luck, eh?”


Letterman wrote the book’s foreword. On the advice of his attorneys, Chris let his father write every other chapter, refuting Chris’ claims, because otherwise, “Daddy could sue the pants off me.”
