
Malibu Summers

Malibu is trashed out. Fast food debris, beer cans and broken glass cover my street. Traffic crawls both in and out of Malibu all day long. Only a few parking spaces at the local supermarket didn’t have broken glass. Red emergency fire trucks, black and whites, green ambulances race back and forth. Sheriff’s helicopters and Harleys provide additional noise.

The valleys, inlanders, lowlifes, bikers, surfers, yuppies, and showoffs of every imagination are partying in Malibu. Summer is here. It’s worse than last year as each succeeding year always is.

There are only two things I would ask of you: Please slow down because there are so many bad accidents, and, please do not break bottles in the sand. Don’t even take bottles on the beach and I’ll let you trash the beach with your cans. Thanks.



