
Thoughts on Life of Daredevil Knievel

Strangely, I never found the egocentric antics of Evel Knievel of compelling interest; he was more to be pilloried than sensationalized, I always thought (“Evel Doings” by Bob Sipchen, April 14).

As a friend of Knievel’s victim (talented entertainment exec Shelly Saltman of Calabasas) I found Knievel’s boast ironic: The man “I hit with a baseball bat . . . never got a dime.”

Perhaps this case typifies what’s wrong with our judicial system: Knievel’s assault victim wins a $12.7-million judgment, but can’t collect. Meanwhile, this colorful south end of a horse headed north goes merrily on his way, freeloading off his son’s exploits.


There’s a happy ending, however. His victim has his home, a lovely wife and children, respect of his peers--and a clear conscience. Knievel has none of those, only a few expensive trinkets he was able to mooch off others.

Maybe justice does work, after all.


La Jolla
