
Out-of-Court Settlement Puts an End to Waiver Wars . . . for Now

The Waiver Wars are officially over.

A lawsuit filed against Actors’ Equity by 15 of its members, challenging the union’s April, 1988, referendum that established its 99-Seat Theatre Plan, has been settled out of court.

The plan governs the use of Equity members in theaters with fewer than 100 seats throughout Los Angeles County. It replaced the old Equity Waiver system.

According to a joint statement, the plan will not be changed or modified before April 1, 1991. However, a review committee, consisting of four Equity representatives and four of the plaintiffs (or their chosen substitutes) will “issue regular reports” on the plan’s operation.


If the Equity council decides to revise the plan after April 1, 1991, the agreement provides that the signatures of 100 Los Angeles Equity members can trigger another referendum, and that dissenters on the review committee may write statements to be included with the ballots.

At least 45 days’ advance notice will be given for any proposed changes; changes will be discussed at a membership meeting at least four weeks before ballots are mailed.
