
Writer ‘Oblivious’ to Own Pollution

Re: “50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth,” by John Javna: I can’t take issue with 99% of what he says, but why is it that he has such a blind spot when it comes to the environmental problems he is causing.

He seems quite oblivious to the fact that publishing 26,000 copies of his book (at 96 pages each, and thousands more copies to come, if the first printing is a success), caused the felling of many trees. And, how about all the fuel consumer by the trucks hauling that wood (paper) out of the woods to the paper mill, and from there to wholesalers and retailers? What about all the energy used in making the cardboard cartons the books are shipped in, which are “boxed” in his basement? What about 1.2 million pages of newsprint in the L.A. Times, just to tell us about his book? Could it be because he makes a living (profit) from writing books?


Rancho Palos Verdes
