
3 Fired for Failing to Meet Disney’s Grooming Policy at Queen Mary

Three mustachioed employees of the Queen Mary have been fired for refusing to abide by the company grooming policy.

Walt Disney Attractions, which leases and manages the retired ocean liner, dismissed waiters Reza Nazertehrani, Tom Nicolai and Arturo Pootcan for not following Disney’s ban on facial hair.

“I got my Christmas present from the Disney corporation,” Nazertehrani said sarcastically.

A Queen Mary spokesman said the union representing all three men has filed grievances with Disney, and another union has filed grievances on behalf of three employees who shaved their mustaches but were unhappy about having to do so.


Although Disney Attractions has been managing the Queen Mary and the nearby Spruce Goose for two years, it did not enforce its strict grooming policies until this month.

Nearly all of the 1,100 employees at the two entertainment attractions have complied with the appearance standards, sacrificing long fingernails, two-toned hair and facial hair for the sake of their jobs. But for a few men, giving up the hair on their upper lips would be tantamount to giving up their honor.

In addition to the three men already fired, another two who are refusing to shave have been warned that if their facial hair doesn’t go, they will.
