
DANA POINT : City Won’t Require Stairway on Bluffs

The City Council has decided not to require a local developer to build stairs on bluffs overlooking Dana Point Harbor.

In addition to preserving the face of the steep cliffs, the council’s 3-2 vote this week also saved the developer, Pulte Home Corp., about $100,000 in costs related to constructing a 70-foot stairway.

The developer had been required to provide access to the harbor in order to build 27 town homes on top of the bluffs.


Although the Planning Commission decided to rescind the requirement, Mayor Eileen Krause and Councilwoman Judy Curreri brought the issue back to the council.

“Anything you can do to provide coastal access is very valuable to the city,” Krause said.

However, the council majority disagreed, expressing a desire to preserve the bluffs in their natural state.

In releasing Pulte Home Corp. from its obligation to build the stairs, the Planning Commission required the developer to put $20,000 into a city coastal-access fund.
