
DANA POINT : Speed Limits to Be Cut on Busy Streets

The City Council has decided to lower the speed limits on some of Dana Point’s more heavily traveled streets.

“We expect that people will be driving slower,” said Mayor Eileen Krause. “Ultimately we would like to lower speed limits lower than they are now.”

In unanimously adopting the new limits, the council followed recommendations by the city Traffic Commission for lower speeds.


The major impact will be felt on Coast Highway from the northern city limits to Street of the Blue Lantern, where the maximum speed will be dropped from 50 to 45 m.p.h. The speed limit on Street of the Golden Lantern from the north city border to Acapulco Drive will be lowered from 50 m.p.h. to 40.

The new speed limits will be in effect in approximately four weeks, once signs are installed, said Robert Sergeant, city engineer.
