
Housing Trust Fund

The San Diego County Taxpayers Assn. shares the concern of all San Diegans about the lack of affordable housing that exists in our city. However, we have reservations regarding the timing and implementation of a housing trust fund of up to $60 million a year, in addition to the source of its proposed revenues.

Our objection is basically one of lack of due consideration as to the overall needs and projects facing our city. At the present time, we do not see sound evidence of prioritization of the pressing demands for more police and fire protection, upgrading our crumbling sewer system, expanding our choking transportation system, improving and/or relocating our clogged airport facilities and increasing our jammed jails.

We recognize that the Fowler citizens finance committee has studied these problems and that its draft report is now being reviewed by the City Council and all interested parties. Our association simply asks that the proposed housing trust fund be considered along with these other demands for public funds during the annual budget process.



Executive Director

San Diego County Taxpayers Assn.
