
Stop Innuendo at R.P.V. Meetings

Where will it end, Jacki? Where will it end, Rancho Palos Verdes?

The latest example of “it” occurred on Jan. 16.

“It” is the cavalier personal characterization by Councilwoman Jacki Bacharach of anyone whom she finds to hold views, standards, or opinions contrary to her own which somehow shuts off debate and dismisses as irrelevant or trivial any question of the honesty or rationality of such a characterization. If Jacki says it, it must be so and the “victim” is damned.

The latest victim is Luella Wike, now former Rancho Palos Verdes planning commissioner. Jacki characterized Wike as “overzealous.” Jacki would not vote for Wike’s reappointment to the Planning Commission because as Jacki stated, “She is overzealous.” No further discussion! Jacki has made her statement; Wike is out!

Nothing was said as to what Wike is overzealous about. Could it be that Wike’s thoroughness in investigating cases which come before the Planning Commission prior to casting her vote is an example of overzealousness? Or, is it that Wike takes the Rancho Palos Verdes General Plan seriously and votes to zealously sustain the General Plan’s integrity?


Who is prepared to draw the line between zealous and overzealous when it comes to principles? Only Jacki Bacharach? I hope not.

I began this letter by intimating that this Luella Wike case was only the latest of several cases of Jacki’s “characterizations.” The one which stands out vividly in my memory and the memories of many others is that characterization by Jacki of Councilman John McTaggart reported in the Los Angeles Times, Dec. 7, 1989, when, after using what must be considered questionable judgment in denying McTaggart the office (of) mayor of Rancho Palos Verdes, Jacki stated, “ . . . I don’t think he has the ability to bring the city together. He identifies with Bob (Councilman Ryan) and with Bob’s concerns.”

That is a double indictment! Jacki, by innuendo, put down McTaggart as being incompetent to serve the city as mayor; and, any concerns of Bob Ryan must be contrary to Jacki’s.


Where will it all end, Jacki? R.P.V. is not ready for a one-person “rule.” Is it Sacramento? Where will it end, Rancho Palos Verdes?


Rancho Palos Verdes
