
Death Penalty Controversy

In response to “Ruling Paves Way for 1st Execution Since ‘67” (Part A, Jan. 17):

Enough really is enough. Enough appeals have been made, enough money has truly been wasted both in the costs of appealing this just verdict and in housing this murderer. His attorneys have done a wondrous job in attempting to convince the courts that their client is a changed man. The article tells of how 17 fellow criminals stepped forward and offered statements saying that Harris is now a changed man. Were the citizens of California asked to step forward and offer their opinions? I believe we were when we voted for capital punishment!

Charles Sevilla, one of the attorneys for the murderer, is quoted as saying, “I don’t think anyone can imagine what it is like to live with a death sentence over your head for 11 years living in the abominable conditions of San Quentin.”

Well I don’t think anyone can imagine what it feels like to have your life snatched from you as your body is pumped full of bullets.


I believe the condemned man, convict Harris, said it best that July 5th in 1978 as he pumped four bullets into Michael Baker: “God can’t help you now, boy. You’re going to die!” Let’s do it!


