
Los Angeles County - News from Jan. 28, 1990

* PALMDALE: Final phase of California Dawn, 14 of 347 2-3-bedroom single-family houses, 875-1533 square feet; $106,990-$141,990; builder, Kaufman & Broad; late February move-ins; 4 models open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. daily at 4837 E. Harbor Court, reached from Pearblossom Highway exit of Antelope Valley (14) Freeway.

San Diego County

* CHULA VISTA: Final phase of Montalvo at Bonita Long Canyon, 8 4-5-bedroom single-family houses of 97; 2,630-3,262 square feet. $395,900-$447,900; builder, McMillin Communities/Home Capital Development Group; April move-ins; open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. daily at 392 Canyon Ridge Drive, reached from eastbound H Street exit of Interstate 805 to Corral Canyon Road.

Riverside County

* PERRIS: Phase 5 of California Gardens, 15 of 162 2-3-bedroom single-family houses, 1,213-1,829 square feet, $115,950-$143,950; builder, Kaufman & Broad; May move-ins; 4 models open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. daily at 659 Periwinkle Lane, reached from the Ramona Expressway exit of Interstate 215.
