
Police Shootings in Los Angeles

In response to “Robber a Victim, Wife Says” (Metro, Feb. 19):

Along with Robin Cox, the 24-year-old manager of McDonald’s in Sunland, we as citizens were all potential victims of armed robbers Jesus Arango, Herbert Burgos, Juan Bahena and Alfredo Olivas.

These men were not heroes; they were thieves supporting the life style you mentioned (late model car, college education, duplex in Venice) by robbing a former employer repeatedly. They chose to be armed robbers, and they chose not to surrender to police when they were caught committing their crime.

The real heroes in your story are the police officers who risk their lives protecting citizens from becoming victims of armed and dangerous criminals such as those four bandits.


How fortunate we are to have a police unit with the skills and expertise of the Special Investigation Section to serve and protect the civil rights of the truly decent and honorable citizens of our society. How unfortunate it is that it is so necessary to keep citizens from becoming victims. Three cheers for the SIS!


