
L.A. School Board Rejects Stiffer Penalty on Weapons

How reassuring to know, as Roberta Weintraub stated, that the Los Angeles Board of Education is more interested in protecting students who bring guns on campus than it is in protecting the vast majority of students who do not bring weapons as well as all teachers, administrators, and all other campus personnel (Metro, May 8).

The campus police officer at the school in which I teach still remembers with horror and pounding heart the day, several years ago, when he almost pulled his gun on a student who was holding what appeared to be a rifle. The rifle turned out to be a toy gun, but if the officer had pulled his gun in an attempt to defend himself and students against what appeared to be a real gun, how many would have been injured or died?

Who are these people who run our school district? How long will it take for them to ruin it entirely? Does the public care?



Los Angeles
