
Parking Ticket Revenue in L.A.

I have a new proposal and idea for the parking tickets mess--from the matter of unpaid tickets to the ruthless enforcement of such violations--on which local cities depend for revenue.

I call it parking ticket prepayments. I propose a prepayment by drivers of a sum of let’s say $25 per year for any possible violation; such drivers would be entitled to two parking violations without having to appear in court.

Why not computerize such pre-payers according to their car license numbers, and when a parking violation occurs such car owners would be notified that a ticket was charged to their account.


And why not provide such pre-payers with a sticker, so that the parking ticket enforcers would be cognizant of the pre-payer who would be given only an account notice.

The point is that cities or counties would immediately reap income of millions in prepaid revenue, and would be able to hire parking attendants and handle the entire matter of such violations in a civilized and businesslike manner.


Culver City
