
Countywide : Weather Service to Move Radar System

Ventura County is the perfect site for weather radar that will replace a system dating back to the 1950s, National Weather Service Meteorologist Art Lassard said this week.

The National Weather Service plans to move from Los Angeles to Oxnard to install new state-of-the-art equipment.

Sulphur Mountain, between Oxnard and Ojai, was picked as the perfect site for the system after a two-year survey by the government, Lassard said.


The operations office will be built on a separate site within the Sammis Business Center between Rice and Del Norte roads.

Both parcels need to be acquired before plans can be finalized.

NEXRAD, an acronym for Next Generation Radar, will be installed nationwide in a modernizing effort by the National Weather Service.

Officials hope that the office will be in operation by mid-1992 and will house about 28 electronic technicians, meteorologists and administrative assistants issuing weather forecasts for most of Southern California.
