
Sheldon and Art: The Minister May Have Gone Too Far Afield

Re “Ministers Square Off Over Provocative Art Exhibit” (Aug. 3): Once again the Rev. Lou Sheldon (I used the term ever so loosely) is raking muck and slinging morally right mud where he sees it is needed most.

However, this time it’s in a location outside of Orange County. Well, isn’t that special. Santa Monica won’t stand for it and well they shouldn’t.

For Sheldon to want to limit the rights of Westside residents to view art or limit the role of funding of any artist is just plain fascism at work, not to mention throwing the First Amendment right out the window.


I just love it when ministers and all the rest of their ilk square off over issues that nearly always restrict the rights and liberties of the general public. It just serves to remind those of us aware individuals that true concern for humanity comes with a mature respect for the differences.


Newport Beach
