
Montebello : Consultant Hired to Study Need for a Cultural Center

The City Council has approved a $44,000 study to determine whether Montebello should build a cultural center and a community center that would meet the needs of both young and elderly residents.

The council has hired a Corona consulting firm to determine how great the need is for a cultural center and a community center that could be used for everything from dances and plays to senior citizen meetings.

“There is not the type of community center here that residents are used to seeing,” said Al King, director of parks and recreation. “We lack a central facility that can be used for meetings, dinners, banquets, classes and other activities.”


King said the city would like to build a community center at Montebello Park on Whittier Boulevard. The cultural center would be located at the Taylor Ranch building on Montebello Boulevard.

The consultant’s study is scheduled to be completed in March.
