
SHORT TAKES : Streep: Beef About Bad Movies

<i> From Times Wire Services</i>

Meryl Streep says Hollywood won’t start producing better movies until moviegoers start complaining.

“Until then, we’ll get more of the same,” Streep said in an interview this week for the syndicated television show “Personalities.”

The star of the new movie “Postcards From the Edge” called for people unhappy about violent, shoot-’em-up Hollywood fare “to make some noise about what they want to see.”


“I think we who don’t go to ‘Die Hard II’ and ‘Robocop’ and ‘Days of Thunder’ and ‘Terminator’ and ‘Total’--what is it?--’Total Recall’ need to make noise about what they do want to see,” Streep said.

The interview was to be broadcast today.
